Dedicated to professional photographers who proudly use Pentax cameras in their day to day operations...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lens Rentals for Pentax? Yes Virginia, there is such a thing!

One need that professional photographers have, regardless of what brand they use, is the ability to rent lenses for specific assignements which they cannot justify owning outright.  Face it, as much as you'd love to own every lens, it is generally not practical or affordable.  Canon and Nikon shooters face little difficulty in renting unusual or extreme lenses at just about any serious local camera store catering to professionals.  Pentax shooters on the other hand have no such option. Pentax lenses are simply not rentable at the local level.

So what is the answer?  

Camera Lens Rentals in Anderson, Indiana.  They rent a growing variety of Pentax cameras and lenses as well as 3rd party lenses to fit Pentax digital SLRs.

I have rented from them on a couple of occasions and the lenses have always been superb and their prices, very fair.

Tempe Camera also rents a small set of K-mount lenses, but I cannot testify to their services.


Welcome to Pentax Professionals

Pentax Professionals is aimed at the working or aspiring professional photographer who uses Pentax cameras and lenses in their daily operations.  We hope to make this site the "go to" destination to discuss the challenges, issues and opportunities faced by a unique breed of photographers who chose their equipment based upon value and capability rather than mass market name recognition.  Pentax camera and lenses are equal to and in many ways superior to Canon and Nikon's much more expensive offerings, providing exceptional value for the dollar.

We hope, as time goes by, to offer reviews of Pentax gear and articles on techniques and business issues of all kinds.

Thank you for reading and come back often.
